11 Second Rubik's Cube
The guy in this video solves a Rubik's Cube in 11 seconds! It would probably take me all day! I wonder if this is a world's record or anything?
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3 Wheeled Car
Video of a cool car with only three wheels. It is a cross between a car and a motorcycle. Maybe this is what we will all be driving in the future. I wonder what the gas mileage is like?
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4x4 Climbs Wall
Short but cool video of a 4x4 trying to climb up a rock wall. That 4x4 was definitely designed and built to climb rocks like that.
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7 Motorcycles In A Globe
Cool video clip of seven motorcycles inside a metal globe. These guys are amazing. It is really amazing how fast and close to each other they ride.
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720 Sparklers At Once
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to light 720 sparklers at one time? The guys in this video did just that. Check it out.
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Airbus Built In 340 Seconds
Cool time lapse video. This video shows an airbus plane being built from start to finish in 340 seconds. Who knows, some of us may have flown on this plane.
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Amazing Crazy Footbal
Cool video of what has to be the wildest looking football play of all times. I do not want to spoil this cool video for you so just check it out.
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Amphibious Car Video
Now this is a cool video! This car can drive on land or on water. These kind of things usually look like military vehicles but this one looks nice. It is the kind of car you would not mind driving around town.
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Andrew Keyed Magic Trick
A magician name Andrew sent in this video of him doing a trick with a key and a string. Thanks for sharing this cool magic trick with us Andrew!
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Andrew's Revolution Trick
Andrew sent in another magic trick called Revolution. In this video he makes something disappear. Pretty cool magic trick. Thanks for the vid Andrew.
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Asian Magic Tricks With Shadow
Awesome magic tricks! An Asian magician does some cool magic tricks with shadows. I have no idea how he does these tricks but if you know please post it here.
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Asian Robot Dance
The Asian guy in this video does some cool robot dance moves. Most people who do the robot kind of do the same old moves but this guy does some unique stuff!
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Auto Parking Car
For many years people have dreamed of a car that could park its self. From the looks of this video it might be a reality sooner than we think. Very cool invention.
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Awesome Ball Juggler
Awesome video! The guy in this video has some serious talent. We will probably see him on the Jay Leno Show or something one day! You don't learn to do this kind of thing overnight!
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Awesome Basketball Shot
Check out this video of some kid making an unbelievable basketball shot. This shot was probably all luck and no skill but it is still cool to watch.
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Awesome Soccer Pass
Cool soccer video clip. There is not too much to say about this video except that it is an awesome soccer pass. I don't think anyone was expecting him to do that with the ball.
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BMX Bike Jumps 15 Cars
Extreme bike jumping video. We show a lot of bike crashes on this site but this time the bike rider gets it right! He pulls off this massive jump over 15 cars with no problem.
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BMX Trick Compilation
Super cool BMX trick compilation video. I love to watch these bike trick videos. It makes me wish I could do some of these cool tricks.
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Breaks Flaming Tiles
Some really strong guy breaks a stack of tiles while they are on fire. Listen to the crazy narration. That guy is funny and does not even know it.
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Building Tetris Game
If this video was not made using video editing tricks then it must have really taken a lot of people and time. They make the lights on a building look like a game of Tetris.
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Car Sucks In Sexy Model
Some people say that you can never have a girl to pretty or a car with to much power. After watching this I would have to disagree about the car part.
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Card Trick Flip
The guy in this video does a really cool card trick. He shows a particular card then he throws the deck in the air and catches that same card while he is doing a back flip. Nice card trick video.
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Care Bot For Old People
This is a nice invention for older people. This care bot will follow them around the house with a web cam so their family can keep an eye on them.
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Cell Phone Gun
Well it looks like the streets just got a little more dangerous. Here is a gun that looks just like a cell phone. I am sure that this is totally illegal. It is still cool to look at though.
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Christmas Lights Set To Music 2
Here is another video of Christmas lights set to music. This video is cool but to me it is not as good as the first one they did. What do you think? Everyone post whether you like this video or the first one best.
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Christmas Lights Show
Here is another video of cool Christmas lights set to music. This should help you get in the Christmas spirit. Watching these videos makes me want to set my house up like that. :)
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Coin Walking Video
Neat little video that shows how to do various kinds of coin walking tricks with your hands. The person doing the demo is pretty good at it. Coin walking tricks must take a lot of practice.
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Computer Generated Coaster
This video is a computer generated roller coaster. You can take the ride without ever leaving your chair. Or feeling sick to your stomach. :)
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Computerized Wooden Mirror
This video is cool. The close up shots at the end really show you how it works a little better. Basically a computer turns little wooden tiles to make the picture. It took some super smart peeps to make this!
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Cool Bartender
Have you ever seen the old movie Cocktail where they do tricks while they are serving drinks? Well that is what the bartender in this video does. Cool bartending tricks.
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Cool Base Jumping Compilation
I would not dare try to base jump but I do love to watch videos of the people who are brave enough to do it! Great compilation of base jumping video clips.
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Cool Body Mold
According to this video clip people are now having molds made of their bodies. Not everyone should have this done but the hot girl in this video sure deserves to have one made. What do you think guys?
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Cool Cars Drifting
Cool video that shows a bunch of cars drifting. The drivers have everything timed out perfectly so that none of them will crash.
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Cool Coyote Tracking Video
I have to give it up to this guy! He is quiet enough to sneak right up on a coyote without being heard. It takes him a while but he finally catches him.
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Cool Crashes And Stunts
Video compilation of all kinds of extreme crashes, stunts and just plain crazy stuff! Most of the clips in this extreme compilation are new footage so check it out.
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Cool Dolphin Boat
Cool video clips of a boat that looks and moves like a dolphin. This is by far the coolest boat I have ever seen. It would be fun to see what the controls look like inside the dolphin boat.
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Cool Finger People
What can I say about this video clip except that it is pretty cool. It took some real creativity and talent to make all these finger people.
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Cool Flight Compilation
This video is a compilation of cool airplane tricks and such. I like the part that shows the plane going straight up into a stall then regaining control.
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Cool Foam Trick
This little video is kind of neat. I don't know what chemicals they mix together but it causes a huge amount of foam. Does anyone know how they did that?
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Cool Guns Being Fired
This video is basically just some different types of guns being fired. The video gives an up close view of each gun as it is fired. The coolest gun is the one that looks like a knife.
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Cool Jackie Chan Commercial
Jacki Chan in a cool garbage bag commercial. I think Jacki Chan could make any product look cooler. :) This commercial features the same types of creative fighting moves that he uses in his movies.
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