Remote Control Plane Crash
WARNING: Language - Cool video footage of two remote control airplanes crashing head on into each other. The crazy thing is that they are the only two planes in the air at the time.
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Richie Jackson Skateboarder
Cool video of Richie Jackson a professional skateboarder tearing it up on the streets. The coolest trick on this video is when he goes down the escalator. Now that is a new trick!
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Robot Follows Orders
The robot in this video follows a verbal command and picks up a dummy. This kind of robot could be useful in a hospital to pick up heavy people and move them.
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Rocket Powered Semi
Video of a rocket powered semi truck going down a track. The quality of this video could be better but what you can see of it is cool. If you have any info on this please post it.
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Rodney Mullen Skateboard Video
Rodney Mullen needs no introduction. He is by far the best freestyle skateboarder that has ever lived. We are happy to be able to bring you yet another Rodney Mullen skateboard video.
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Rollerblade Tricks And Crashes
This cool video is packed with rollerblade tricks and crashes. No matter how many times I see it done I am still amazed at how far they can grind on those rails! Of course this video also shows a lot of ball busting accidents.
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Sky Wings - Extreme Sports
Now this is EXTREME SPORTS! These guys are awesome! They use hand held kites along with skis, skates and more to pull off some awesome tricks!
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Slow Motion BB Hits Chest
Cool slow motion video of some guy being shot in the chest with a BB. It is amazing how much detail you can see in this video. His skin ripples just like water.
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Smart Ballet Guy
Some people think that is is weak for a guy to take ballet but if you watch this video I think you might see how it is actually pretty cool. What do you think guys?
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Sneaky Soccer Player
The goalie in this soccer video got owned big time! The guy who made the goal came up with a really clever way to score. Great soccer footage.
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Snow Bike Tricks
Cool video of a group of guys jumping a ramp and doing all kinds of tricks on snow bikes. Watching people do all these great tricks makes me wish I could do them :)
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Spinning Balls Illusion
Nice illusion made up of spinning balls. This is not really a trick but it looks nice when he shines the colored lights on the spinning balls.
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Spinning Stuff
Ok what is there to say? The guy in this video spins all kinds of stuff. Pillows, magazines and even some bigger stuff that you would not expect. Cool video.
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Star Wars DJ
In this video a DJ dresses up like Darth Vader and does some mixing and scratching with the stars theme music and voices. Pretty cool vid.
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Stomp Kitchen Style
Super cool video of one of those percussion groups that uses every day items to make music. I have seen one of these shows live and they are amazing! Does anyone know where this clip is from?
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Sub Sinks Ship
Video of a submarine sinking a ship with a torpedo. For most of us a video is the only way we will ever see something like this.
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Super Glock
If you like cool guns then check this video out. This person has modified a glock to turn it into a super glock. This gun can spit out some bullets in a hurry!
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Swimming Robot Snake
This video is not in English so we do not know what they are saying but you can tell that they have built a cool robot snake that goes underwater. There are a lot of possibilities with this thing.
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Tank Crushes Car
This is cool and funny. A little pink car gets crushed by a huge tank. It is a good thing that there were not any people in that car or they would be toast!
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Techno Bush
Cool techno style remix of President Bush talking about something. If all his speeches sounded like this a lot more people would probably listen to him.
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The Future Of Tires
Cool video about the future of tires. According to this video flat tires may be a thing of the past very soon. That is good news for ever one who drives.
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The Robotic Chair
This is a cool invention, although I have no idea what it could really be used for. This chair falls apart then puts its-self back together again with no help.
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The Ultimate Race
The ultimate race features a motorcycle, a Porsche and a fighter jet. This was a very unique idea for a race. In the end there is no doubt who is the fastest.
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Thermite VS Ice
Thermite is something that gets super hot! These guys do a pretty cool experiment with it. You definitely want to be careful when messing with that stuff.
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Time Lapse Graffiti Video
Nice little time lapse video clip. An artist does some really good graffiti on the wall. Hey you can't get in trouble for painting in your own house. :)
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Toy Race Track View
Very unique video. This video shows you the view from a car going around a toy race track. I had a track like this when I was a kid. They are big fun! :)
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Trampoline Ceiling Grab
Here is a video of a guy with some good skills on the trampoline. He grabs on to one of the beams in the ceiling and holds on to it. Cool video clip.
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Turntable World
WARNING: Language - Cool DJ scratching video. The catch is that in this clip real world objects are used instead of a turntable. Nicely done video!
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Turtle With Two Heads
Cool nature video of a turtle with two heads. The cool thing is that they said it lived for a lot longer than they thought it would.
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Two Dollar Bill Trick
Nice little magic trick where a guy takes a couple of one dollar bills and turns them into a two dollar bill. It could be a camera trick but I don't think it is.
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Very Fast Punches
Cool martial arts video. We do not know who this is but he sure can throw some fast punches. If you know who this is please post it.
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Water Balloon In Space
This video was done either in space or in some type of zero gravity training simulator. They pop a water balloon to see how it will react in zero gravity. Pretty cool little video.
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Whale Blows Bubbles
Cool little video clip of a whale blowing air bubbles. There is a cute little girl there watching him and loving every minute of it.
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Woman With Parking Skills
Funny little video about a woman with some awesome car parking skills. A couple of guys don't think this woman can fit into a parking spot but she shows them!
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