10 Duvels
A guy tries to drink 10 Duvels (strong beers) in 10 minutes and then stand up. Comedy ensues.
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Big Beer Chug
Dude, you can totally put this on your resume. Seriously though, why isn't this an Olympic sport?
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Condom Blow Up
You know what makes it even better? We got this off of Monster.com, attached to his resume. Dude, you're hired!!
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Drunk At The Office Party
Here is a quick demonstration on how to get fired in 1 minute. We all talk about people, but you sure do feel dumb when you get caught. Especially on camera...
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Drunk Concert Goer
A dude is drunk at some outdoor rock concert and his friends get him on video making a fool of himself. This is one good reason not to get drunk. You might end up online.
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Drunk Driving 3
Ok, we get it already. Drinking and driving can lead to accidents. But I'm telling you; I drive a LOT better when I'm drunk. Otherwise I'm shaking too much to control the car.
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Drunk Questioning
Thanks to some good old fashioned police work it was soon discovered that this woman was actually drunk. It's hard to tell in the video, but trust me. She's loaded.
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Drunk Redskins Party
Because really. Forget War and poverty and all that other crap. Football is the most important thing in this Redskins fan's life. Or maybe it's the fire-water talking. And screaming.
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Mlk Day
Most Offensive Video - Martin Luther King Day. Please try not to take this too seriously.
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From our, "Where are they now?" file: Does anyone remember Private Leonard Lawrence, from Full Metal Jacket?
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Reverse 180 Video
There's nothing we love more than when you send us home videos of you trashing your own car. Honest. Please send more.
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Shaving Cream Drunk
A passed-out friend and a can of shaving cream? It just doesn't get any better than this. Unless you're sober. Or you're not retarded.
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Trash Can Idiots
Some kids roll a dumpster down a hill with others inside. What's the point of having the camera inside though?
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Welsh Students Can Smash
Here's another reason to be thankful you're not Welsh. Unless of course you are, and then here is a really awesome video. Go Wales!
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