A Funny Horny Guy
This man plays little horns all over his body. If he put some cheese on his head he could be horny and cheesy. Lol,I did not just type that. Wait, if he put some corn in his ear he could be corny.
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Altar Boy
Wow. I think my brain just overdosed on easy "flame" jokes. You'll have to insert your own here.
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Altar Boys Hair On Fire
Classic funny video of an altar boys hair catching on fire. The way his friend starts laughing at him really cracks me up. Ya gotta love this funny vid.
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Amature Special Effects
Home made special effects video created by a future movie maker. Who knows maybe we will see some of this kids work on the big screen one day. :)
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American Idol
The video of the guy singing and dancing has now been turned into a hilarious flash video.
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American Idol Rejects Video
Here we have a group of rejects from American Idol singing at the half time of some sporting event. The kid in the white shirt dancing is the best! Or Simply NOT the best! Still you got to give it to these guys, they are very amusing!
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Animals Want To Get Online
In this funny video a couple of animals are trying to get online using a real mouse. In the end they figure out they forgot to plug it in!
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Annoying Raiders Fan
Funny video of an annoying Raiders fan that keeps yelling Go Raiders! You can tell that it really ticks off the people who are trying to do an interview.
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Attempted Water Jump
A guy tries his best to jump over some water and almost makes it. Look at his friend in the background. He is laughing so hard he falls down.
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Average Homeboy 2
Yo yo yo the Average Homeboy is back! This time we have a video where he is calling himself Blazin Hazen. I warn you, you have never heard hip hop like this before.
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Awful Dancer
This could be the worst dancer ever. Unless, of course, I tried to dance. This is embarrasing just to watch.
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Baby Got Snacks
Funny parody video of the old Sir Mix A Lot song Baby Got Back. This time it is Baby Got Snacks. Hey this version is as funny as the first one! :)
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Baby Take Over
We got ahold of some of Dick Cheney's home movies. Here's a clip of Dick himself at age 8 months. Isn't he cute?
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Back Yard Bungee
WARNING: Language - This guy wanted to try real bungee jumping but did not have enough money. So he decided to tie a rope around his waist and jump from a tree.
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Bad Hair Cut - Funny Video
This funny movie is about an uncle who tries to save a little money by cutting his nieces hair himself. The way he gets out of trouble with her mother is funny.
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Bad Rapper Microphone
I think this guy is going to be the next big thing. The next big thing in one of those, "Worst Of American Idol" videos anyway.
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Bang Your Head
I dont know what this is all about but it is kind of funny. A kid keeps banging his head harder and harder. That face he makes at the end will give us nightmares! :)
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Be Happy
Aww, this is cute. You two should be ashamed of yourselves. Especially you, Toe. Toe?
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Bee In The Skirt
Funny video clip of a woman reporter who gets a bee up her skirt. The funny part is how the cameraman does not give her any privacy as she takes off her skirt.
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Before He Was George Costanza
Before actor Jason Alexander became famous for playing George Costanza on Seinfeld this funny video shows the kind of stuff he did for a living. Funny old commercial.
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Best Of The Internet 2005
CNN did a little special about the top funny video clips that were passed around on the internet during 2005. This is a good reminder of all the fun we had last year.
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Big Mishap Compilation
This video is like a blooper-fest! It is a huge compilation of all kinds of bloopers, crashes, falls and more crazy accidents. Good funny video clip.
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