Bikini Waxing Video
Funny video of how women react when they have their bikini area waxed. Some of them take it pretty well but some of them go crazy. I would not want to have something like that done for anything in the world!
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Bill Dance Bloopers
Professional fisherman Bill Dance has a fishing TV show. On the show everything seems to go great but here is a look behind the scenes at some of the funny bloopers.
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It's really hard to know just what you're getting yourself into until you meet the parents.
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Blind Date Funny Movie
This funny movie called blind date is an internet classic. The girl in this video gets a little surprise when she looks in the back seat of the car and finds that they are not alone.
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Blonde Star Spoof
Funny spoof of the On-Star commercials. On-Star can help people unlock their car if they lock their keys inside. The dumb blonde in this spoof has locked her keys on the outside and needs some help!
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Board Breaker
Somebody told me that this is actual home movie footage of George Bush as a child. I don't believe it for a second.
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Body Beat Boxer
You have seen people beat box with their mouths but this kid uses his whole body. You can tell by the look on his face that he knows it is cool. I wonder what they call this type of music making?
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Boys Scare Mom With Night Time Joke
This video clip is freaking hilarious!!! A couple of boys wake their mom up in the middle of the night by holding a stuffed animal in front of her face. She sounds like she might have a heart attack right on the spot. This is some funny stuff!
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Brad Pitt The Abduction
Actor Brad Pitt was part of a stagged abduction for a television show. All the people standing around did not know it was fake and they get pretty upset.
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Brett Favre VS Football Fan
Brett Favre has a pass intercepted by a crazy fan during a football game! This is one of the funniest football videos I have ever seen. I wonder if he ran it back for a touchdown before they caught him? :) LOL
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Brian Punches Stewie
Stewie from The Family Guy has his own movie out right now. This video is a clip from that movie where Stewie asks Brian to punch him in the face.
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Bush At Comedy Central
Colin Quinn is drunk, Jeff Foxworthy looks embarrassed, the president's making malapropisms, and people are laughing at jokes that aren't funny. All is well at Comedy Central tonight.
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Bush Speechless
George Bush tries to answer a question but ends up just staring into the camera like a deer in the headlights. This has to have been edited.
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Candy Shop
Hey, that's not 50 Cent. That's more like, 15 Cent. Maybe 25 Cents at most with the girl in the background.
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Car Gets Towed
WARNING: Language - If you ever have your car towed please try not to act like this kid did. He acts like a big baby, crying and screaming. The funny thing is that he saw the camera pointing at him and he still acted like a wuss.
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Car Prank Scare
A bunch of guys scare the hell out of their friend on the way back home from a bachelor party.
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Car With Jumping Hydraulics
If you like those cars with hydraulics that jump around then this video is for you. This car gets some serious air. Wait to see what happens at the very end though.
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Cat And Crow
One of those sweet animal stories where two animals that are supposed to be enemies become friends. This time it is a cat and a crow.
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Cat Chases Tail
This is pretty funny. A cats owners tie a string to his tail and he goes nuts trying to catch it. He was probably one dizzy cat after that.
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Cat On Ice
Watch as a cat tries to catch fish that he sees through the ice on a frozen pond.
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Cats Watch Tennis
Here is a cute cat video for all the girls or guys out there who like that kind of stuff. This group of cats look like they are watching a game of tennis.
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