Toot Tone
Comedy bit about a product called the Toot Tone. If you have problems with gas after you eat you might want to look into this product. Funny video.
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Tourettes Weatherman
What an odd career to have when you have a disease such as Tourettes Syndrome. This weatherman really has a bad episode in this clip. This funny video is an internet classic!
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Trick A Polar Bear
These funny clips from Japanese TV shows are great! In this one they dress an Asian chick up in a polar bear suit and try to trick a real polar bear! He thinks she is a real bear and it scares the girl to death!
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Triumph The Dog From Conan O'Brien
Triumph The Dog from the Conan O'Brien Show makes an appearance outside a theater on opening day for Star Wars Attack of the Clones to make fun of all the hard core fans.
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Unnecessary Censorship 10
Here is episode 10 of the Jimmy Kimmel comedy bit that he calls Unnecessary Censorship. These things are still funny no matter how many of them I see.
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Unnecessary Censorship 11
Here is episode 11 of the funny bit that Jimmy Kimmel calls Unnecessary Censorship. This is where they bleep and blur stuff in the funniest places.
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Unnecessary Censorship 3
Get ready for another hilarious edition of Jimmy Kimmel's Unnecessary Censorship. They bleep and blur out things in the funniest places you can imagine.
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Unnecessary Censorship 4
Here is yet another hilarious episode of Jimmy Kimmel's Unnecessary Censorship. They bleep and blur out things in the funniest places you can imagine.
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I'm not going to mention Jennifer's name or anything, but I know a few girls who could use this.
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Vegetarian Fur Coat
When a vegetarian wants to wear a fur coat this is how they do it. Don't miss the end of this funny video clip.
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Video Conference Bra Problem
Just as a video conference is about to start one of the ladies involved in the conference has a problem with her bra. She does not think the others can see her so she just takes it off. The ending is too funny.
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Water Bed Prank
Yeah but the funny thing about this video is... that aint water!!! BAAAA HAAAAAA HAAAA HAAAA ha hheh heh... heh. heh. Yeah, I know. Stupid.
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Water Ownage Video Clips
A great compilation of bloopers, accidents and people just plain getting owned in water related situations. There are some really funny parts to this video.
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Webcam Worker Busted
You really can't blame the woman in this funny video for trying. I bet everyone would work at the pool if we could get away with it. LOL!
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What Is That Bad Smell?
Super funny video! This woman smells something bad in her house and wants to find out what it is. You will roll on the floor laughing when you see what is causing the horrible smell!
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What Killed The Dinosaurs
Have you ever wondered what really killed the dinosaurs? This funny animation uncovers the truth about why the dinosaurs became extinct.
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White Man Rapping
Funny and cool video clip from the show Steve Harvey's Big Time. This white man does a great job of imitating many well known rappers. I was surprised by how good was. He does Snoop Dogg, LL Cool J and a lot more!
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Window Washer Owned
If you live in a big city you have probably seen homeless people who walk up to your car while you are sitting at a red light and just start washing your windows. The window washer in this video gets owned!
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Women Road Rage Video
In this funny movie two women drivers unleash their road road on each other in a parking lot. Instead of fighting with their fists these two old girls take their anger out on each others cars.
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Worst Breakdancing
Oh, this is embarrassing. I mean for me. I don't think the guy writhing around on the sidewalk is the least bit embarrassed. Or sober.
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Wow Leeroy
Some idiot playing World Of Warcraft goes nuts while they are trying to plan a battle or whatever it is they do in that game. This is old but it's still funny.
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Because until you see this at least 25 times, you're still considered an Internet noob.
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Yoda Rap
Yoda rapping. What he needs is a cool name now. Like, Y-Oddy. Something like that.
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Youre Being Robbed
Never judge a book by its cover...or a mild-mannered shopkeeper by the taser he may or may not have under the counter.
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Yucko The Clown Is Back
Yucko the clown is back so get ready to laugh. He goes around insulting people and saying things that most of us would never dare to say. I would think he would get beat up but it doesn't happen.
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