Checking Out the Secretary
Funny videos of a woman who is trying to talk to a man who is distracted by his secratary's rear end. What what she does to finally get his attention. Ha!!!
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Chinese Singers
They say that China is the sleeping giant. The next major World economy set to challenge America. After watching this, I'm not worried at all.
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Chuck Norris Facts
You may have seen some of these funny quotes about Chuck Norris on the Internet. They are pretty crazy. Here is Chuck Norris him self reading the top 10 Chuck Norris quotes.
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Chugs A Liter Of Beer
Video of a dude who can really chug some beer! He puts down a liter of beer in nothing flat. And he does it to the music of cotton eyed Joe! :)
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Class Singing Numa Numa Song
There are a lot of people out there trying to copy Gary Brolsma by lip syncing Numa Numa but this video is a little different. A whole class sings the Numa Numa lyrics along with Gary in this one.
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CNN Spoof Video
Someone made a funny spoof video about CNN. They talk about how many blondes they have on the air. Your blonde on blonde action news channel. :)
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College Sledding
If your college is like mine, you can use the mattresses as sleds. Also, dining-hall trays go very very fast.
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Conan O' Brien 2005 In Review
Clip from the Conan O'Brien show where they review some of the top stories from 2005. Even if you are not a fan of Conan O'Brien parts of this video will make you laugh.
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Constantine High Kick
Funny American Idol video that is not of someone singing off key. Constantine tries to be cool and do a high kick. Let's just say it does not go his way.
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Cookie Blues
A really well done animation about the hardships of being.. that's right, a cookie. Who made this? If you know, please send us an email so we can link to their site.
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Cooking Show Fire
Funny video from a television cooking show. The fire they are cooking with gets a little out of hand. This is one for the blooper reel.
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Cop Car Rolls Away
WARNING: Language - Very funny video of a police officer getting owned by his own car! He forgets to set the parking brake and the car rolls away from him!
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Cop Gets Tazed In The Back
WARNING: Language - As part of his training this police officer had to take a shot in the back with a tazer. His reaction is too funny! From the way he acts you can tell that it must be quite a shock!
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Cop Shoots Self In Foot
Here's that DEA agent who accidentally shot himself in the foot with a Glock 40 at a weapons demonstration at a Florida school. The Smoking Gun has an interesting article on how he's now trying to sue Uncle Sam for his own stupidity.
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Crab Pot
A woman completely freaks out while trying to put live crabs into a pot. This is an old one but it cracks me up every time.
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Crazy Dance Slap
Funny video of some guy slapping his wife while he is doing some kind of crazy dance. Does anyone know what kind of dance requires you to slap someone?
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Crazy Mike Tyson Interview
From the sound of this video he might have taken too many shots to the head. He rambles on making no sense at all. Listen to the end where he says he wants to eat his children.
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Crazy Street Dancer
This kid really cracks me up. Check out that wild dance that he is doing. The funny part is how the acts all normal once the light changes. :)
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Dance Moves
This girl has some moves. I'm not sure what they are exactly, but she is moving.
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