Family Guy Wheel Of Fortune
Check out Peter from the show Family Guy. He is on the game show Wheel Of Fortune. This is a really funny clip. What else would you expect from Family Guy?
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Fat Guy Race
A couple of big guys race and one of them has a hard time keeping his footing. Funny video of two big guys doing the 40 yard dash.
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Fat Guy Tries Hard
Funny video of a fat guy at the beach who tries hard to make himself look good when a hot girl in a bikini runs by. If you can keep your eyes off the girl watch what happens to the fat guy.
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Father Gets Home Joke
A short little joke by the same guy who brought us the joke about the cat who always found his way home. I can relate to this because my mom always told me to wait until my father got home. :)
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Fire Fighting Girl
Now this is the kind of girl that you want take camping with you. A guy catches on fire and this girl rushes to help him put it out. Her methods are very funny!
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Fish Tossing Idiot
I have no idea why this guy is trying to toss a fish but it sure is funny. It is safe to say that he did not win the fish tossing competition.
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Five Worst American Idol Rejects
Get ready for your ears to be in pain! This video is of the five worst American Idol wannabes. This is one of the funniest idol reject videos we have ever posted.
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Flirting On The Train
This is a funny little video set to a cool song. A fine girl is flirting with a guy on a train Do not miss the funny ending.
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Folgers Coffee
Folgers has had it with all those "feel good" coffee commercials. This is the first of their new, "in yoru face" advertising campaign.
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Food Stealing Dog
This funny video is from a Japanese TV show. A little dog steals food from a big dog. This little guy is very slick when he steals the food.
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Ford Sportka Pigeon
The Ford Sportka nails a flying pigeon. Relax this is fake. If you have problems about the pigeon that did even get hit because this is fake, please contact FORD! NOT Me!
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Free Breast exam Scam
Unbelievable video! An old man went door to door offering free breast exams and saying that he was a doctor of some type. I guess the old guy was desperate for some action.
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Full Metal Classroom
If you've see the movie, Full Metal Jacket, this will be hysterical to you. If not, it will still be pretty funny.
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Funny Aicha Spoof Video
Funny spoof of the famous internet video Aicha that was done by Jelle Buelens a.k.a. Gellieman of Belgium. This group of guys does their own video to make fun of the original Aicha video. If you have not seen the original then you will not get this.
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Funny And Sexy PSA For Guys
This public service announcement is both funny and sexy at the same time. This must have aired overseas because this is not the kind of psa you usually see in the USA.
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Funny Animal Crossing
Now this is one way to reduce roadkill. I guess the animals got tired of seeing their families killed so they finally got smart.
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Funny Animals Video
Here is a good clean video. No one crashing, fighting or lighting themselves on fire. Just animals acting funny having a good time.
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Funny Asian Air Backpack
An Asian TV gameshow fills bottles with air and straps them to a guys back. When they launch him it is amazing to see how far he is thrown by the air pressure.
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Funny Bar Fight Guy
Funny video where a guy goes through the instructions of what to do if you get into a bar fight. His crazy sound effects really make it funny.
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Funny Bell Ringer
This is a funny little clip! What is this bell ringer really doing? It looks like he is having a good time with himself if you know what I mean. :)
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Funny Bike Jump Crash
I dont know why this bike jump and crash strikes me as funny. Maybe it is the small funny looking bike the guy is riding or the sound you hear as he is coming down the hill. I am sure his friends got a laugh out of it as well.
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Funny Birthday Accident
This video was taken on this mother's birthday. That is probably a birthday she will not forget! I am glad that they had the video camera running to catch it all.
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Funny Boxing Bloopers
A couple of bloopers from the sport of boxing. One fighter's mom comes into the ring to help him and a stupid fan attacks another fighter.
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Funny Boxing Cat
A Japanese TV show features a cute boxing cat. They hold some type of plastic wand out to the cat and he starts punching at it like a boxer. :)
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Funny Boxing Home Video
Ok this is a home video of a couple of goofy guys boxing. They both stink at boxing and that makes for a funny home video for us all to laugh at.
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Funny Bush Iraq Update
Here is a funny clip from the David Letterman show. It is an update on the Iraqi war given by President Bush. It must really stink to have your every word under the spotlight all the time.
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Funny Cat Joke
Ok this video is a guy on a tv show telling a funny joke about a cat who always finds his way back home. I thought this was a pretty good joke. The funniest part is at the end.
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Funny Cats Home Movies
Video clip of funny home movies featuring cats doing all kinds of funny things. Even people who do not like cats will find this video funny.
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Funny Chris Rock Comedy Video
Chris Rock tells us how to NOT get our butt's kicked by the police! This video is a funny comedy bit that Chris Rock did a while back. If this does not get you laughing then nothing will!
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Funny Confused Cat
Here is a video for all you cat lovers out there. This little kitty is pretty confused by what he sees on the television screen. Pretty funny.
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Funny Cops Chase
This video is totally hilarious! It looks just like a real video from cops or some show like that. If the police really did this kind of stuff I bet the crime rate would be lower.
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Funny Dancing Girl
If anyone in this world needs dance lessons it is the girl in this video. She has some really unique moves going on there. Especially the hopping on one foot.
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