Funny Dog Video Clips
A fun mixture of cute dog video clips. There is no sound on this video, just dogs acting funny and doing crazy stuff. I like the one near the end where the dog is dressed up and walking like a person. :)
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Funny F-15E Strike Eagle Taxi
Its good to see the guys in the armed forces having a good time! This guy is directing a F-15E Strike Eagle and decides to put a little style into it. :)
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Funny Fart Catcher Commercial
Funny little movie! I have never wanted to save a fart but if you have then this product is for you! This funny commercial is for a new product called Catch N Release that lets you save a fart for others to smell. LOL
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Funny Film Posters
Great funny video! Someone made a bunch of funny film posters and put them all in this video. There are some really funny ones about the President.
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Funny Fish Home Videos
A great montage' of funny home video clips. The subject of this video is fish so this funny video is packed with all kinds of fishing related accidents and bloopers.
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Funny French Anti Smoking Ad
WARNING: Language - Funny video about how the French are trying to make people stop smoking. Of course this is not real, the video is just a joke. I bet that would make people stop smoking though.
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Funny Girls Home Videos
A funny video collection of girls doing all kinds of crazy stuff! They say girls just want to have fun and this funny video proves it!
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Funny Home Movie Emotions
Great compilation of funny home video clips. This time the theme is emotions. You will see people acting out a wide range of human emotions in the funniest of ways.
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Funny Judge
Funny video of a judge who does not know that he is on camera. What in the world is he doing with that microphone? I wonder if he knows that he is on the internet now?
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Funny Jump Dancing
What in the world kind of dancing is this? We should probably not even call it dancing. These guys are just jumping around like mad.
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Funny Kung Fu Soccer
A funny video of a soccer game being played kung fu style. If they really played soccer like this I know a lot more people would want to watch it.
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Funny Laugh Attack
This is a funny video. When this guy laughs he sounds like a duck. He has a laugh attack and cannot stop. I hope he never goes to a funny movie.
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Funny Looking Rocket
Here is a funny clip from a movie. Maybe it is from one of the Austin Powers movies. The clip shows a bunch of people trying to describe a strange looking rocket.
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Funny Magician Video
Wow, this magician is awesome! He is better than David Blaine and David Copperfield both put together. Yep, this guy is the best magician ever!
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Funny Marathon Race
One of these marathon racers is in last place until they get to the event he is best at! Then he takes care of business and wins the race!
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Funny Mars Rover Animation
Everyone probably saw the Mars rovers that NASA sent up to take pictures a while back. This cool animation shows us why Mars looks empty in all the pictures that came back from the Mars rovers.
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Funny Martial Arts Home Videos
Another great montage' of funny home movies! This time the theme is martial arts. There are plenty of funny smacks and smashes in these home movies. These funny home movie clips are great so keep sending them in.
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Funny Mom Jeans Spoof
Funny Video! This is a spoof on how some women start wearing those high waisted pants after they get to be a certain age. You know this is true because you see women wearing them all the time.
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Funny Night Before Christmas
Larry The Cable Guy reads a new version of Twas The Night Before Christmas. This funny new version is supposed to be politically correct. I think that man could read anything and make it funny.
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Funny Office Hurdles
A group of guys take a break from work to run a race using the cubicles at their office as hurdles. One of the guys does not quite make it to the finish line.
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Funny Officer Chair Jump
What will they think of next? I guess this kid couldn't do any tricks on a skateboard or a bike so he decided to use an office chair. LOL
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Funny Passport Check
Funny video! This man is having a hard time getting past the screener because he does not look like the person in his passport photo.
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Funny Police Stops
Funny video footage of a bit that Jay Leno did on The Tonight Show called Dealing With The Public. They are all great but the last one is totally amazing!
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Funny Ride Reaction
Funny video of a guy who freaks out while he is on an amusement park ride. I actually thought this guy might have a heart attack and die! Make sure your sound is turned up and listen to what his friend says at the end.
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Funny Rodney Carrington Song
Comedian Rodney Carrington sings a funny song about what happened when his wife met his girlfriend. This will have you rolling on the floor laughing!
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Funny roller Blade Flip
I am not sure what kind of trick this inline skater was trying to do but he ends up doing a funny front flip. Hey at least he can say he did a flip on rollerblades.
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Funny Skate Board
Now here is a funny video that uses home made special effects. Check out the new skateboard this guy is riding. He lays down some cool tricks on it too! :)
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Funny Skateboard Ballet
If the guy in this video goes to his local skate park he will probably catch a beat down from the skaters there! Check out his funny style of skateboarding. It looks like skateboard ballet.
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Funny Skateboard Videos
WARNING: Language - This guy has got to be the worst skateboarder in the world. His reaction when he misses a trick is too funny!
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Funny Slide Blooper Montage
Yet another great montage of funny home movies. The theme of this one is problems people have with slipping and sliding. There are some really funny clips in this one.
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Funny Soccer Bloopers
WARNING: Language - Great compilation of funny soccer bloopers. All kinds of falls and mistakes from the soccer field. Funny clip even for non soccer fans.
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Funny Sounding Dog
This dog must have the most unique bark in the world. He sounds like a crying baby or something. He must have something wrong with his voice.
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Funny Swing Home Videos
Funny compilation of home videos that have to do with swings breaking and people falling. The last accident on the video is the wildest one of all.
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Funny Talkers
I don't know what this is all about but it is funny in a goofy kind of way. Two guys talking about something in fast forward. :)
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Funny Techno Penguin
Funny vid of a penguin who is hopping around like he just won the lottery or something. The techno type music in the background is perfect for this video.
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Funny Terrorist Names
Here is a funny bit that was done on Saturday Night Live. They act like the department of homeland security and read off a long list of terrorist names.
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Funny Water Bed Prank
This funny video is awesome! It is one of the funniest things I have seen in a while. A bunch of people get all wet from this funny practical joke! Does anyone know what show this is from?
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Funny Weather Girl Rap
Ok, here is another funny hip hop video. This time a weather girl tries her hand at being a rapper. Of course she stinks but at least she gave it a try.
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Funny Weather Man
FUNNY STUFF! Crazy is the only word I can think of to describe this weatherman. His weather reports are mainly stand up comedy bits where he mentions the current temperature!
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Funny Wedding Surprise
This grooms friends give him an awesome surprise on his wedding day. I think it was a great gift. The groom sure seemed to like it. What do you guys think?
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Funny White Rapper
Average homeboy is an awesome rapper! There is no one in the rap game with skills like he has! I wonder why we have not seen him on MTV yet?
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Funny Zippo Lighter Tricks
WARNING: Language - Is this guy a dork or what? He says that he is going to show you some tricks with his zippo lighter but that does not exactly work out. Dont miss the end because that is the funniest part of this video.
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