Horse Takes A Dump
Funny funny video of a horse taking a dump in the most unlikely place. That women is crazy for doing this in the first place. She got a little too close to his private parts for me.
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Host Laughs At Guest
A television talk show host gets cracked up at the funny voice that one of his guests has. Hey I think we all know what its like when you just cant stop laughing.
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Hot Asian Girl - Suck In It
I dont want to give away the ending so all I can say is that this one is FUNNY! This Asian chic teaches us that things are not always as they appear!
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Hot Dogs For Homophobes
Video of a funny sketch that was on the Conan O'Brien Show. Hot dogs for homophobes is funny. They came up with some really innovative shapes for hot dogs.
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How To Steal Gas
A funny sketch about how to steal gas and get away with it. Of course you will need a friend who is about 2 feet tall to pull this off. If gas prices go any higher we might all have to find a friend who is that short. LOL
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How To Watch Porn
Funny movie that shows you how to look at porn and not get into trouble. If only they had things like this in the real world. LOL!
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Huge Slip Up
A reporter slips up while commenting on a story about a 'nice cat'. Is this what the call a Freudian slip?
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Husband Gets Revenge
You just have to watch this funny little movie right to the end. A husband catches his wife cheating on him and gets revenge on her boyfriend!
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Hypnotist On A Date
Funny video about a hypnotist on a date. All the guys will probably agree that it would be great to have these specials powers over women.
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Insensitive Bastard Again
Here's the full length version of that reporter who was cracking up at his disabled guests. Here's what we learned about it from our friend Ian: Actually it's Flemish, a dialect of Dutch spoken in Belgium. The story in short, it handles about medical failures, the interviewer can't resist laughing when the guy speaks with this squeeky voice, explaining that something went terribly wrong while having an operation on his "almonds."
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Insult Dog
I love that thing people do when they're trying to sing something, where they put out their hand and start pointing with the beat of the song and rocking out from the waist up. Man, that looks stupid.
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Iraqi Olympic Diving
In the next summer Olympic games the Iraqis are going to enter a diving team. This video shows one of their best divers in action. He is pretty good.
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Is This A Happy Marriage
Funny video! This clip shows a couple who has just gotten married. They get to their hotel room to start their honeymoon and things get crazy!
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Jakes Movie
Why is this funny to me? I don't think it has anything at all to do with sniffing glue all morning long, but you never know.
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Jay Leno Funny Photo Booth
Very funny photo booth that was set up by Jay Leno and The Tonight Show. If you are ever in a photo booth that starts talking crazy like this one you might be on TV.
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Jay Leno Headlines
Jay Leno does this thing where he reads messed up headlines and articles from across the country. This video is of one of those segments from his show.
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Jim Carrey Self Defense
If Jim Carrey is in it you know it is going to be funny! This video is a bit he did where he plays a karate pro teaching a self defense class for women.
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Jim Carrey Standup
Here is a very funny video of Jim Carrey doing stand up comedy at The Comedy Store. I believe this video was filmed before he became famous for doing movies.
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Joint Behind Ear
A dude is pulled over by the police and stands there talking to them with a joint behind his ear! He must been high or something!
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Karate Hot Pan Trick
This video is funny. A Karate guy hits a hot pan and his assistant is supposed to throw the water on his hand if he needs it. Lets just say he needs to get a new assistant.
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Keep It Real - Funny Movie
WARNING: Language - This little movie is totally hilarious! Its the funny story of a woman who cannot leave well enough alone and wants to Keep It Real!
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Kid Hits Head
It looks like a couple of brothers are play fighting when the little one has a run in with a door. The funniest part is the big laugh that the older brother gets out of it.
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Kids Crazy Over Nintendo
Two kids go completely apeshit after they get a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. Strangely, Ritalin was introduced 29 years earlier, in 1957.
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Kids New Fun Toy
Watch this kids face as his silver rocket ship takes off. He gets a big time kick out of the vibrations.
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