Misbehaving Monkey
Monkeys gone wild! Well, just one, but this is really funny. A news reporter tries to contain her laughter as this chimp goes crazy on her desk.
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Mom Loves Coffee
It takes a lot of energy to raise kids these days. This mom shows you how she gets hers. That's right, Nitrous Oxide balloons.
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Monkey And Soldier
Funny video about a soldier and a monkey. I do not want to spoil the surprise so lets just say that the soldier gets a surprise.
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Monthly Man
Crazy funny video! Commercial spoof for a new product called Monthly Man. I do not want to ruin the surprise so just watch it and get ready to laugh.
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Moon Walking Bird
This colorful little bird has a neat mating dance. He does the moonwalk just like Michael Jackson. Actually the bird does it much better than MJ!
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Mormon Farts
The book of Mormon has a profound influence on some people. It's a lot like beans, or cabbage.
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Mosh Kick Face
I don't even know the kid and I say he deserved it. There, I said it. I hate white people.
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Mosh Pit Dancer Gets Kicked
This video is funny, crazy and stupid! A group of guys are doing some kind of crazy mosh pit dancing when one of them gets kicked in the head and knocked out cold!
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Motor Bike Bloopers
Here is a funny compilation of bloopers and the theme is motor bikes. They actually have a few in here that are not motor bikes but it's all good! Funny home movies are always great.
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Mr. T The Rap Star
This is the most hilarious video I have ever seen. I missed this one years ago. This is a song that should have gone platinum. Oscar material all the way! Try not to fall out of your chair on this one.
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Mud And Dirt Home Videos
Funny home video compilation of mud and dirt related accident and bloopers. It seems like the funniest stuff comes out of home movies.
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My Space Hack Prank Phone Call
I've seen the face of evil, and it's a teenage boy with a computer, a cell phone, a Dr. Phil Sound Board, and the password to a female friend's MySpace account.
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Naked gun Stewie
Funny clip from The Family Guy featuring little Stewie! Stewie does a spoof of The Naked Gun. Stewie clips are always funny.
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Napoleon Dynamite On David Letterman
Napoleon Dynamite cracks me up every time I see him! David Letterman had him on to do his top ten list one night. Top Ten signs you are not the most popular guy in your high school.
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Naughty Knot Lingerie Invention
Funny video clip from the TV show American Inventor. A lady invents some sexy lingerie and has a hot blonde girl model it. Guy's you do not want to miss this one.
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Nazi Scum
The trouble with being a Nazi. Indiana Jones would have smoked all these mother****ers.
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Nervous Guy On Live TV
This must be this guys first time on TV because he is really nervous. If you want to see just how nervous he is just watch the clip.
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New To The Computer
The lady in this funny video must be a complete noob. I guess she thinks that she is still using an old typewriter. This one is short but funny.
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News Lady Says Gay
Blooper from a live TV news broadcast. The news lady slips up and says that a man is gay when she means to say something else. Funny clip.
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News Reporter Busted
A reporter gets busted on live TV! She is acting like the flood waters are so high that she has to use a boat. Then all of a sudden two guys go walking by! The media always tries to make things seem worse than they really are! This is pretty funny.
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Nice Pussy Cat
Hilarious video of a woman on a TV show that makes a verbal slip up. This video really had me laughing big time. Check it out.
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Numa Dancer Busted
Funny vid of a guy getting busted dancing to the Numa Numa song. The funny part is when he sees that he is busted and tries to act like he doesn't care.
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Numa Numa Dance And Song
Here is the original Numa Numa Dance Song. The song is entitled 'Dragostea Din Tea' by the Romanian pop band 'O-Zone.' Lip sync and dance by 'Gary Brolsma.' Gary you are a NUT! Lol...
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Office Full Of Balloons
I missed this episode of Saved By The Bell. This is the one where Slater goes go Washington and comes back acting like a total jackass.
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Oh Granny
The subtitles at the end say, "Granny didn't recognize it because hers is so much bigger. Like a friggin CANNON." I swear, that's what it says.
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Parkour Video 2
Another nice parkour or free style running video of people running, flipping and jumping their way through the city streets.
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