10 Year Old Drummer
Check out this great drum solo. The cool is part is that the drummer is a 10 year old kid! This kid is going to be really awesome when he grows up.
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310 Foot Bike Jump
Ryan Capes smashes the distance and height world record for a dirt bike jump. To make a jump this big you need skill, heart and a good insurance policy.
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90 Year Old Stands On One Finger
A 90 year old martial arts master can stand on one finger while leaning against a wall. They seem to be very proud of it but I don't really see what the point is.
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A10 Jets In Action
Nice compilation video of A-10 Jets in action. This video shows some good shots of the plane and some really nice scenery.
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Ah 64 Apache Attack Helicopter
Boy, I'll tell you what, war looks like a lot of fun doesn't it? Hey, I have an idea! We should start a war some place. Some place warm though. A dry heat, not the sticky jungle heat. That would be really cool.
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Aikido is a modern, non-aggressive Japanese martial art developed early in the 20th century by Morihei Ueshiba. Here is a compilation of clips featuring a bunch of guys you probably wouldn't want to get into a fight with.
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All 7's Card Trick
Here is another video of Francis McAllister's magic. This time he does a card trick where all the cards turn into 7's. This one is probably not too hard to figure out.
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Amazing Video Editing
This video is awesome! I had to watch it over and over to catch all the stuff they are doing. It is about video editing and how much you can change a video if you have what it takes.
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Animal Soccer
This is a nicely done animation of ducks and penguins playing soccer. What else can I say? This animation is funny, cute and very well done.
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Anthea Turner Motorcycle Accident Video
Anthea Turner is a television personality who was involved in an accident with a motorcycle while working on a show. It is rumored on line that she died from this accident but we have found out that she survived and is still working today.
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ATV Back Flip Over Train
This video is awesome! This is one of the best videos I have seen in a long time! They do a great job of showing the jump from every angle. Great job all the way around!
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Autistic Basketball Player Scores
Awesome video!!! This video is a must see. An autistic high school student is the manager for his school's basketball team. The coach put him in the game and he started making three point shots!
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Awesome 4x4 Save
Awesome video! A 4x4 is trying to climb a very steep hill when it flips over. It looks like they are about to roll down the hill when the driver saves the day.
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Awesome BB Gun
OK, the angel on this video could be better but you can still see the Gatling gun style BB gun at work. These things could definitely shoot more than your eye out. :)
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Awesome Coffee Art
What will they think of next? Here is a video of someone doing some coffee art. Yep, you heard right. They draw designs on top of their coffee. It is actually very cool.
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Awesome Driving Skills Video
There are some awesome car tricks in this video. Some of the better tricks are toward the end so don't miss that part. These drivers are as professional as it gets. Driving this good takes years of practice.
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Awesome Inline Skate Video
WARNING: Language - Video of inline skaters grinding rails, taking jumps and doing cool tricks. Watching these guys makes me wish I could skate like that. :)
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Awesome Keyboard Drum Player
This is not a joke! Watch this video to the end to see that this guy really is awesome! At first I thought he was a dork then when he was finished I was amazed by how good he can play the drums on a keyboard.
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Awesome Martial Arts Girl
I don't know if this girl can actually fight or not but she sure does a great job on this martial arts routine. She has super good balance and flexibility.
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Awesome Parkour Video
Whether you call it parkour, free running or freestyle running the guys in this video do an awesome job of it. This is the best one I have seen so far.
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Balance And Strength
The man in this video has super balance and strength. He pulls off a one handed hand stand and makes it look easy. If you dont think this is hard just try it and see.
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Base Jumping Wing Suit
As if base jumping were not cool enough that have invented base jumping suits that will help you sort of fly through the air before you pull your chute.
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Berkeley Laptop
Remember that old audio file of the Berkeley professor who's laptop was stolen? Well here is the video.
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Best Knife Defense
This guys gives some good advice on what to do if someone comes at you with a knife! Run! Seriously, check out what the knife does to that slab of meat! Imagine if that was your arm...
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Bike Jumps Canyon
An extreme bike rider attempts to jump a small canyon. If you pull off a dangerous stunt people call you a hero but if you fail they call you dumb. Go figure.
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Bike Stunt Compilation
WARNING: Language - Awesome video! This bike trick compilation video shows all kinds of tricks on all kinds of bikes. This is extreme sports at its best!
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Blind Japanese Guitar Player
This guy is an awesome guitar player! He is blind but he plays the guitar as anyone I have ever seen in my life. He has a very unique style of playing the guitar.
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Boy With Six Fingers
The boy in this video was born with six fingers on each hand. This could actually come in handy for typing, playing the guitar and lots of other stuff.
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Break Dancing Contest
Yeah, I understand that you have to be really strong and graceful and all that...but isn't this whole thing sort...gay?
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Building Will Not Fall
A building demolition does not go as planned when the building fails to go all the way down. What a disappointment to the crowd who was waiting for the big show.
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Bungee Jump Parachute
Extreme stunt that combines bungee jumping with parachuting. If you are going to try an extreme stunt like this please make sure your life insurance is paid up!
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Bunker Buster Bomb
Awesome video of a bunker buster bomb in action! These bombs are designed to cut through the ground and explode inside a bunker. I have heard of the bunker buster bomb before but had never seen one in action until now.
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Bye Bye Bunny
See this bunny run out in front of race cars traveling 185 MPH. The bunny disappears into thin air.
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Canadian 911 Questions
I hope that one day, some whack job quotes junk that I wrote on this miserable website while he's trying to make his point about some government conspiracy. That would be hysterical.
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Car Bomb Caught On Video
When you hear about a car bomb on the news it makes you think that the bomb was just big enough to blow up a car. The car bomb caught on this video was huge and looks like it took out all three cars that were close to it.
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Car Wipes Out On Corner
Here is your chance to see what it looks like from the inside when a car flips and rolls over. I hope they learned to slow down when going around a corner!
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Cat Mothers Puppies
Nice video from Animal Planet. It is the classic story of a mother cat who takes care of some puppies. It's a good thing for the puppies that she was around to care for them.
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Cat On The Space Shuttle
So this is what a cat looks like floating through space on the space shuttle. It took him a little while to get his balance but he finally got it in the end.
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Chinese Crash Test
We were told that this crash test video is of a Chinese made car and that it scored a 0 on the test. I guess that is why we do not see a lot of Chinese made cars on the road.
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