Chris Haslam Skateboard Video
Awesome video clip of professional skateboarder Chris Haslam. He does tons of cool street skating tricks in this video. One thing I like about Chris Haslam is that he throws some cool jumps into the mix.
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Christmas Crabs Video
Awesome video! This video is really unbelievable. Christmas Island is an Australian-owned territory, yet it lies closer to the Indonesian island of Java. Christmas Island is internationally famous for the spectacular annual migration of sixty million red land crabs, from the forest to the ocean to mate and spawn.
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Coke Drinking Contest
Here is a video from a coke drinking contest. I have never seen anyone chug a coke as fast as this guy does! It's no wonder he gets sick after drinking that fast.
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Cool Guitar Slapping
The guitar player in this video clip really has a unique style. I have never seen anyone play exactly like he does. It sounds really good!
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Coolest Dunk Ever
Awesome basketball video! This has to be the coolest slam dunk ever done in a game. This guy should win some kind of prize or something.
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Cop Finds Stolen Mower
Awesome video! A police officer pulls a man over and gets the surprise of a life time. I do not want to spoil the surprise so just check it out.
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Crash Test Dummy
This is crap. This car is completely destroyed and it only hits the wall at like.. ONE mile per hour.
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Criss Angel's Levitation Revealed
Well known magician Criss Angel reveals how they do the levitation trick! It is so simple once you see how they do it. His fellow magicians are probably mad at him for telling how the trick is done.
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Crocodile Bites Bungee Jumper
This video which is fake shows a bungee jumper being bitten by a crocodile. This video was actually a beer commercial that someone edited. I bet a lot of people thought this one was real. :)
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Crowded Subway In Japan
Look how they cram people into the subway train in Japan. That does not look comfortable or safe! If they tried that stuff in New York City they would probably get beat down by the subway riders. LOL
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Cute Puppies Tease Cat
A bunch of cute puppies teasing a cat. This looks like the first time they have seen a cat and they are not sure what to make of him.
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Dancing Breakfast Foods
Nicely done computer animation of someones breakfast forming a robot and dancing to some funky music. He can dance pretty good for someone who is made out of breakfast foods. :)
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Dubai Mall
Net time you're paying fifty dollars to fill your gas talk, you can feel good that all that money is going to a good cause.
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Dune Buggy Jumps River
WARNING: Language - Awesome off roading video! A dune buggy jumps a river and luckily the whole thing is caught on tape for us to enjoy.
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Easy Fat Loss
News story about a new way to lose fat. If this really works like they say it does it will revolutionize the weight lose industry. Only time will tell.
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Eminem Freestyle Video
Here is another video of rapper Eminem free styling at a radio station. He sure comes up with some bizarre lyrics! I guess thats why he is famous though.
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Fast Motorcycle Video
Video from the seat of a motorcycle that is going super fast! If you crash a motorcycle at that speed no amount of safety gear is going to help you.
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Floor Lights Moves
Check this video out! This is a new type of high tech floor that uses light to produce movement when you walk across it. It would be cool to see this on an actually dance floor.
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Football Bounces On Goal Post
What are the odds of this happening? A football gets kicked and bounces on the goal post several times before falling. I wonder if the game was on the line? If you have any info please post it.
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Ford Sierra Burnouts
A Ford Sierra doing some burn outs and some drifting. I hope he has plenty of money to buy new tires because he probably has no tread left on them.
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Formula 1 Crashes
Huge compilation of crashes from Formula 1 races set to high energy music. If you like to see race car crashes then check out this video.
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Freestyle Frisbee
The guy in this video does some freestyling with a frisbee. This must have really taken a lot of practice and time. I have not seen anyone play with a frisbee in a long time.
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Future Of Tow Trucks
Awesome video! If you have never seen it then this new invention will blow you away. This may be the future of tow trucks for cars and small trucks.
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Gas Pump Fire
This is the reason that gas pumps have a warning on them to stay at the pump at all times. When this lady got into her car she picked up some static electricity. Then when she touched the gas handle it created a spark and that started the fire. I must say that she did a good job of keeping her cool though.
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George Best Soccer Goal
George Best was a well known soccer player. This video shows him making an unbelievable goal. Even people who are not soccer fans will have to admit that this was an awesome goal.
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Goldfish Do Ballet
I did not know you could train goldfish to do tricks but thats just what they do in this video. The goldfish follow the mans hands around. Very cool stuff.
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Guy Proposes On Live TV
A man proposes to his girlfriend on live TV. He asks her to marry him at half time of a Washington Wizards basketball game. Her reaction shocks everyone in the arena.
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Hacked Xbox 360
Not to be out done by merely copying the new Xbox 360 discs, the same people have now cracked the game itself to allow those discs to be run. This video shows them running Perfect Dark Zero.
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Hawk Fights Rattlesnake
Video of a fight between a hawk and a rattlesnake in the wild. I actually thought the snake would win because of his quickness. Shows ya what I know about wild animals. :)
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Home Movie
The guy who sent this claims it's home movies of the Teutuls from Orange County Choppers. I don't beleive him for a second, although that would be pretty cool.
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How To Get Pop Free
How to get a free soda pop from a Coke or Pepsi machine. When I was a kid my mother told me that there were sharp blades installed in the machines so that if I tried this, I'd lose an arm.
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How To Grow Weed
This is a really interesting clip on how to grow marijuana. I'm guessing that in this country it's legal.
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