Hubble Telescope Images
The Hubble Telescope was originally designed in the 1970's and launched in 1990. Hubble orbits 375 miles above Earth, working around the clock to unlock the secrets of the Universe. It uses excellent pointing precision, powerful optics, and state-of-the-art instruments to provide stunning views of the Universe that cannot be made using ground-based telescopes or other satellites.
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Huge Brawl Starts
We have not had a good fight video in a while so here we go. It starts out with a couple of guys fighting then before the video cuts off more and more people start getting into it.
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Huge Surf
A surfer gets towed by a jet ski into the biggest wave I have ever seen!
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Indian Olympics
Wow! I have never seen people compete in events like this! I wonder what the death and injury rate is at these games? At least they are fun to watch.
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Injured Cheerleader Keeps Going
Video of a cheerleader who was injured when she fell from the top of the pyramid. When she sees that she can still move she keeps right on cheering. The crowd loved it.
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Inside Of A Hard Drive
For anyone that does not know what the inside of a hard drive looks like this will be a cool video to watch. They use a hard drive with a see through cover so you can see how it works.
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Jack Is Back
Jack Is Back. A compilation of military clips sent in by a viewer in ...I forget. I'm sure he's in the military though.
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Jin The Chinese Rapper
Video from a freestyle rap battle that was on TV. A Chinese guy named Jin was the obvious winner of this battle. I say he totally owned that guy. What do you think?
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Jujitsu Vs Kung Fu
A very interesting clip on the differences between Kung Fu and Jujitsu. I guess martial arts movies would be pretty boring if the guys were rolling around on the floor the whole time, but it looks liek there is a clear advantage to Jujitsu.
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Karate Kick Knock Out
Great martial arts video clip from a Karate competition. One of the fighters executes a perfect kick and knocks the other guy out cold.
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Karate Kick KO
Awesome Karate video! One of the guys in this match kicks the other one in the head so hard that he knocks him out cold! I guess we know who won that match.
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Laptop Drop Protection
If you plan on dropping your laptop from some place really high then you might want to look into this. So how many people think this video is fake?
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Latrell Sprewell Mix
Here is one for you basketball fans out there. A video with a bunch of clips of Latrell Sprewell playing the game like it was meant to be played! He has some great basketball moves.
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Longest Rail Slide
Totally awesome video! This must be the longest rail slide in history! These guys should send this in to see if they can get the world's record!
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Lucky Woman
Wild video clip! How lucky is the woman in this video? I do not know the whole story but you can see that she almost falls from a tall building.
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Magic Balls Trick
An amateur magician does a trick with magic balls. At first you might think you know how it is done but in the end it leaves you wondering. Pretty good magic trick video.
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Magic Sunglasses
We could probably all use magic sunglasses like this from time to time. This video includes a sexy hot maid and is very funny! Anyone know where this bizarre video is from?
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Magic Wine Bottle
This is a cool trick, but only after you've had sveral bottles of your own. Sober, it's not all that impressive.
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Magician Makes Birds Appear
Here is a video of a magician who does a great routine where he makes birds appear all over the place. I would like to see him do this with short sleeves on. :)
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Mario Theme Song Played With Hands
We have seen the Mario theme song done on a guitar as well as done Acapella by a choir. Now we have it played by some guy using only his hands. He does a good job to be using only his hands!
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Martial Arts Fight Choreography
This video kicks butt! It is a big compilation of martial artists practicing fight choreography. We have probably seem some of these guys as extras in movie fight scenes.
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Mentos Coke Rockets
Most of us have seen the videos of coke exploding when you put mentos in it. The people in this video really take that trick to the next level. They use the explosion to launch the coke bottles into the air!
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Midget Boxing
Check out this video clip of midget boxing. These guys go at big time. I must admit that I was surprised to see which one won the fight.
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Military Air Drop Bloopers
Nice collection of military air drop bloopers. Shows all kinds of vehicles, equipment and supplies being dropped from planes. This video shows a lot of tax money going to waste.
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Mini Cooper Parking
Awesome driving skills. The driver in this video does an unbelievable job of parking a mini cooper. I wonder how many cars they messed up in practice? :)
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Mini Cooper Ski Jump
A TV show puts a rocket powered mini cooper on a ski ramp and lets it jump off. What a waste of a nice little car. If they did not want it I would have taken it. :)
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Minivan Races Car
I would not have believed that this mini van could beat this car but the video is the proof. I bet the driver of that car was embarrassed that he got owned by a family van!
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Mortal Combat Video
These guys did a great job of re-creating the video game Mortal Combat. I used to love to play that game. I do think the end could have been a little better though.
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Mother Squirrel Finds Baby
A baby squirrel gets lost in the middle of New York city and its mother comes to the rescue. She picks him up in her mouth and takes him back home. :)
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Motorcycle Crashes Video
This is an awesome montage' of motorcycle crash video clips. These crashes are from motorcycle races. The way they slide across the ground at high speed after the crash is wild!
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Motorcycle Stunts 2
Another awesome video of motorcycle stunts. These guys continue to push the limits as their stunts get harder and harder. From the looks of things they also get a lot of traffic tickets. :)
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Name The Bomb
Thanks to 'Burn' for this one. We're not running any kind of a contest with this, so please don't write in to let us know what the actual weapons are. It's just interesting to see it all.
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Natures Puzzle
Neat little video clip that shows a puzzle right out of nature. It would be fun to try to put one of those back together.
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Navy Seal VS Chimp
A Navy Seal and a chimp race through an obstacle course. The chimp is really smart because he goes through the course and does a good job of it.
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