Neat Home Made Video
Nicely done amateur video. The music really goes well with the funny stop movements. It probably took them hours to film this little video so dont be too hard on it.
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Needs A Friend
Cute video clip of a little boy who really needs a friend to play soccer with. You will never believe the plan that he comes up with to get himself a friend.
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New Office Chair
Nice animation about how complicated office furniture has gotten these days. A man gets a new office chair and let's just say he has a hard time with it.
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New Trail Skates
Has anyone seen these all terrain skates yet? They look pretty fun. The people in this video do not do a lot of tricks but there are a lot of cool tricks that can be done on these skates.
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New Version Of Star Wars Kid
You have seen the original Star Wars Kid video but this one has been edited to add some special effects to it. I like this one better than the original Star Wars Kid.
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No More Parking
If we all had cars that would do this we would not have to worry about finding a parking place. It would be great if only this were really possible. :)
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Nuclear Tower Destroyed
Nice little clip of a cooling tower at a nuclear power plant being imploded. I don't know why people like to see buildings being imploded but we do. :)
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Odyssey Launch Camera
This video is awesome! It is from a camera that was attached to a rocket named the Odyssey. It shows footage from take off until it gets into space.
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Onboard A Super Kart Racer
A super kart racer took a video camera on board during one of his races. It does not seem like they are going that fast when you watch them from the stands or on video. But from this perspective it seems like they are flying.
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One Handed Rubiks 30sec
It's always so dissapointing to find out that these guys, like, work in a comic book store or a deli and live in the attic in the house where they grew up, instead of figuring out a cure for cancer or how to build a better space shuttle.
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One Inch Candle Punch
Bruce Lee made the one inch punch famous. The kung fu master in this video does the one inch punch to put out a candle. You can hear how much wind he is pushing when the candle goes out.
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Pig Illusion
This illusion is hard to describe. You think you are looking at one thing when you are really looking at something else. Just watch it to see what I mean.
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Plants With Eyes
This video is fake but it looks so real that we had to post it. These scary looking plants have eyes. This looks like it is right out of a science fiction movie.
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Play Station 3 Demo
Demo video of the Play Station 3. It shows just how great the graphics and movement in the games are going to be. Each scene is shown from several different angels.
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Poker Chip Shuffling
There is no doubt that shuffling poker chips like this takes hours and hours of practice. This guy will probably end up getting a job in Las Vegas or something. :)
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Police Shoot Out Video
Extreme video of a police chase and shoot out with criminals. Actually the police do not get a chance to shoot back because the bad guys lay down a ton of bullets before speeding away!
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Germany can come up with the Gestapo, the Third Reich, and the Final Solution, but their policemen drive VOLVOS? VOLVO STATION WAGONS?
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I take back what I said about the Volvos. They picked that kid up BY HIS CUFFED WRISTS. Also, the lady cops are sort of hot which is a sure sign that this video is from SWEDEN, not Germany. Thanks to all of you who have written in to point that out.
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Powerful VW Beetle
The VW Beetle in this video has been super charged! He takes off so fast that you think he might start flying. I hate it for the guy in the other lane who gets smoked by a VW bug!
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Proof Of God
Kirk Cameron the actor from the old show Growing Pains and one of his friends talking about how the banana is proof of God. Actually Kirk Cameron just sits there and smiles.
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Quick Change Artists
I have heard of quick change artists before but never really saw any of them in action before this video clip. The way they change clothes so fast is really amazing.
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The Guiness Book of World Records created a new catergory: World's Biggest Redneck.
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Rahzell Beat Boxing
Famous beat boxer Rahzell doing his thing. When this guy beat boxes it sounds just like the beats are coming from a turntable and sound system.
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Real Remote Controlled Car
A television show turned a real car into a remote controlled car and had a man ride inside it. It would be fun to drive one of those with a friend inside. :)
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Remote Control Bird
Have you ever seen a remote control bird before? Well this video shows one and it is awesome. When it is in the air it looks just like a real bird.
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Rocket Bicycle 150 MPH Top Speed
Usually bicycles can only go as fast as you pedal them. Why not strap on a jet fuel rocket and you can go even faster! Top speed - 150 MPH - 236 KMH Just amazing...
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Sand Art Drawing
Sand art video where an artist draws on a lighted screen using sand. I like this kind of art better than real paintings on canvas. The music really sets the mood.
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Shaun White Snowboard
Snowboarding video of Shaun White and his friends. Not only can he snowboard but he can skateboard as well. I saw Shaun on the Tony Hawk skate park tour a couple of years ago.
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Sidewalk Skeleton Dance
Video of a street performer with a skeleton puppet. This guy can really handle the puppet well. He is good enough that he could probably get into some type of show where he does not have to perform on the street for change.
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Siskel And Ebert
I wonder if he would have been nicer to him if he knew he was going to die. Probably not, the jerk.
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Skateboarding Dog
This dog is good! I have seen dogs who would kind of stand on a board and let you push them but this dog really skates!
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Skater Jumps Bar
A short but very sweet skateboarding video. The skater in this video jumps over a bar, lands back on his board and keeps on rolling. Nice trick.
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Slamball Video
There is a new extreme sport called SlamBall. It is an extreme version of basketball with trampolines all around that make for high flying slam dunk action.
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Snow Man Explosion
How many times have you thought to yourself, after building a snowman, "Wouldn't it be great if we had a whole bunch of explosives?"
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Solar Powered Plane
NASA created this solar powered plane for testing purposes. This video was the test flight. Solar powered flight is really a great concept.
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