Sony Bouncing Balls
They say that Sony released 300,000 bouncing balls into the streets of San Fransisco to shoot this commercial. It is fun to watch all those bouncing balls taking over the city.
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Stop Drinking And Driving
This video really makes you think about drinking and driving. If you drink and drive now is the time to stop before someone gets hurt or killed.
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Story Of My Life
Like they say... what doesn't kill you.. makes you weaker and weaker until it eventually wears you down to the point that it kills you. That's what they say to me, anyway.
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Street Fight Video Part 1
If you like to watch a good fight then you will love this two part fight video. Two ex friends fight it out in a parking lot one night. This is a long fight with pretty good narration.
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Street Fight Video Part 2
This is second part of the street fighting video. As far as street fights go this was a good clean fight video. In the end one guy cant take any more and walks away.
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Stunt Santa
Looks liks Santa has been laying off the milk and cookies and hittig the gym. And the pipe.
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Subliminal Message Ice Cream
I have always heard that some companies use subliminal messages in their advertising. This video shows a great example of that. Do you see what they have hidden in the ad?
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Super Granny VS Purse Snatchers
Look out world here comes Super Granny! A couple of purse snatchers get more than they bargained for when they mess with Super Granny! This is a hilarious video clip.
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Surprise Winner
I don't know what the game is that they are playing but I think you will be surprised by the outcome. I know I was. Anyone know what game this is?
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Talking Dog Says I Love You
The cute little dog in this video has a secret. He can say I Love You! I have seen talking dogs like this on TV before but this guy really sounds like he is saying I Love You.
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The Beer Bot
A group of college students made an automated beer bot for a class project. From the looks of things they got an A on the assignment. This took some brains.
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The Bull Taser
We have all seen videos of people getting shot with tasers. Here is one of a bull getting shot with a bull taser. That must have some real power to knock a bull down!
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The C Walk
I wish I was black. Seriously. I say that all the time and I really mean it.
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The Piano Animation
The Piano is a very nicely done animation about an old man. It kind of looks back at the things he has gone through in his life. The meaning of this animation could be interpreted in many different ways.
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Tiger Woods At Two Years Old
No wonder Tiger Woods is the best golf player in the world! He has been playing since he was two years old. This video shows him going on a TV talk show at two years of age.
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Top 10 Soccer Goals
Here is a video for all you soccer fans out there. Actually even if you are not a big fan of soccer you will probably appreciate how good these goals are.
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Top 5 Ping Pong Shots
Ping Pong is not really all that popular in the USA but if there were more matches like these it might gain some popularity. These guys are so fast it is unbelievable.
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Top Slam Dunks
Top ten basketball slam dunks. They are all good but some of these do not deserve to be in the top ten. What do you think?
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Top Thrill Dragster
Top Thrill Dragster is at Cedar Point amusement park in Ohio. Top Thrill Dragster reaches a stratospheric 420 feet tall and tops out at an unheard of speed of 120 mph, Top Thrill Dragster became an instant favorite with roller coaster fans.
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Torn Card Trick Video
We do not know who the magician in this video is but he does a great card trick called TORN. He tears the card up then puts it back together right before your very eyes.
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Tornado Hits Military Base
Awesome extreme weather video! A tornado is caught on home video as it hits a military base. The power that tornado's have is really amazing.
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Torofluxus Video
The Torofluxus was invented in the early 1990s by Jochen Valett, then a 70 year old artist and craftsman near Hamburg, Germany. A thirty foot long ribbon of fine 'flat spring steel' is woven into a torus and the ends spot welded. When attached to a plastic core, it flows downwards gripping onto the core and shimmering like a silver bubble.
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Tribute To U.S. Soldiers
This video deserved to be posted again for all the new people on the site. A nicely done tribute to our armed forces! The men and women who defend our freedom deserve all the honor we can give them!
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Tunnel Crash Compilation
Awesome video of car crashes that all take place in tunnels. I wonder why so many people crash in tunnels? It's a good thing they have those cameras there to catch all the action.
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Two Rally Crashes
Here is some good video footage of a couple of rally car crashes. At least no spectators got hit like they do in a lot of rally car crashes.
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UFO Video From Bulgaria
Well here is another video that is supposed to show a UFO. I don't believe any UFO video because it is too easy to fake it with today's technology. What do you think?
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Unicycle Stunts
Believe it or not there are people who do stunts on unicycles. Here is a video of some unicycle stunts. They mainly just hop around on them but one guy at the end jumps over a dude who is laying on the ground!
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V8 Chainsaw
Now that is one powerful chainsaw. It is made out of a V8 engine. Look how fast it cuts through those trees.
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Video Of Massive Explosions
Nicely done video of all kinds of massive explosions. There are some nuclear weapons that are big enough to have an effect on the whole earth. Let's hope nothing like that ever goes off!
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Vietnam Drugs
Marijuana should have been used as an incentive for new recruits. Or.. wait. They drafted most of them. Ehh, what do you want? It's New Years Day and I'm still drunk.
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Vince Carter Backboard Dunk
Professional basketball player Vince Carter does an awesome slam dunk in a game! He throws the ball off of the backboard to himself and dunks it!
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Water Instantly Freezes
I don't know if this is real or fake but the water in this bottle turns to ice in a matter of seconds. What does everyone think? Is this real or fake?
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Water Vaporizes
It was so cold outside that when they threw a cup of water into the air it vaporized instantly! Now that is what I call some cold weather.
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Whacky Checkers
You sit there like half a retard and all of a sudden you're Sea Biscuit all over the place?! Are you f**king with me!? (Did anyone see Bad Santa?)
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Working For Google
Everyone knows how great Google is for searching the internet but did you know how cool it is to work there? This video shows what it is like to work for Google.
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World Of Warcraft Game Table
If you like the game World Of Warcraft then you will want to check out this video. It shows a game table for World Of Warcraft that lets you control the game by touching the table as well as with your voice.
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