Inline Skater Gets Racked
When you are tyring to grind a rail on inline skates you know this is going to happen eventually. I doubt if this kid will ever be able to have kids after this.
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Inline Skater Smashes Nuts
This is nothing. I do this kind of thing all the time and it doesn't hurt a b... aww, who am I kidding? This guy's voice is now three octives higher.
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Karate Kid Knock Out
Video from a Karate match between two little kids. Neither of them have a lot of grace or style but one of them gets in a lucky kick that knocks the other out!
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Kicked In The Balls
The guy in this video seems to have an insane fetish for pain!!! He lays on the ground and lets some hot chick kick him in the balls over and over! A sexy girl like that and all he can think of is to let her kick him in the balls? :)
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Killer Lizard Attacks News Man
You would think this lizard had 5 inch teeth and eagle claws when you see the reaction of this news man. Hard to stay in the chair on this one. I laughed so hard!
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Killer Whale Kayak Smack
I think he just wanted to tenderize his meat a little before he ate it. Would you even be in the water, knowing things like this were swimming beneath you?
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Laundry Basket Stair Slide
It's all fun and games until some body gets thrown down the stairs and slams their face against a wall. Ouch. It looks like she was still laughing though.
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Loser Gets Hit With Racquetball
You know how some people think that racquetball is for losers? Well this guy is the reason for that stereotype! This moron accidentally hits himself with a racquetball.
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Motorcycle Rider Rolls Down The Road
WARNING: Language - Extreme video clip of a motorcycle crash. The rider really takes a beating as he rolls down the road. Listen to the funny comments his friend makes at the end.
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Mountain Bike Crash Outside Work
We received this video with the following email, "hi im have been following your site for the past few years and i love it so i figured that i would contribute myself. this is a clip of my outside of my work eating sh*t"
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Nunchuck Pro
A guy is trying out for a part in a movie. It is safe to say he did not get the part. :)
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Painful Skate Landings
Extreme sports can cause serious pain and this video proves it. The last crash on the video looks the worst. I wonder if this guy broke any bones?
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Pimp Gets Knocked Out
I love this video! A pimp is smacking a girl around and a man goes out on the street to ask him to stop. It looks like the pimp was not so tough after all.
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Pizza Guy Car Accident
I don't know...pedestrians getting hit by cars always looks so fake, what wit the dummy flying and limbs flailing and the suddenness of it. Even if it's real.
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Police Pull Over Crash
Police video from the dashboard camera of a cruiser showing a massive crash. The cops have a car pulled over and it gets hit by another car that is passing by.
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Police Van Crash
When I saw this on the news, my jaw literally dropped...the policeman you see scrambling out of the way was fine.
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Punching Bag Knock Down
A dorky guy is holding a punching bag for his friend when he gets knocked down! Actually the punch does not look all that hard but it still knocks him down.
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Quick Bike Face Plant
Quick little video clip of a bike rider going down to the pavement face first after trying a trick. You know that had to hurt!
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