Alien Sighting
A couple is on vacation in New York city when they get caught in the middle of an alien sighting. I dont even have to ask if you think this is fake. :)
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Asian Shocker
Shocking video of Asian nuts. Or, video of some Asian, shocking his nuts. Either way you'd be right.
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Big Brother Surprise
This is one reason it stinks to be a little brother. A kids older brother hides outside the door and punches him in the face when he opens it.
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Birthday Farter
A mans friends all sneak into his cubicle to give him a little birthday party. He does not know they are there and he lets out a big smelly fart! LOL :)
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Brandi Juarez
This is probably one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. You'll regret having watched it, yet you won't be able to look away. Why?
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Breakup Song
There are a lot of things going on here...maybe with that cheating knocked-up shrew gone, your compulsive overeating will stop and you'll find a great new job. Or maybe...it's just a commercial. Yeah, that's it.
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Breast Feeding Man
Watch what happens to this dad as he holds his little baby. Guys you know it is time to go to the gym when a baby tries to breast feed from you!
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Car Drives Down Train Tracks
People are waiting for the train to pull up but instead they see a car coming down the tracks. Driving your car on the train tracks is not the smartest thing you can do. :)
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Cat Hump
Can you guess what this kid's New years resolution is? Can you guess what it SHOULD be?
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Cat Tape
Oh, those whacky Japanese. What will they think of next? Torturing animals is so hilarious! I know, let's try FIRE instead of tape! Yayy!
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Cell Phone Mouth
If I had to pick one word to describe this video it would have to be Goofy! Some guy puts his whole cell phone in his mouth! Whats up with that?
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Cheerleader That Keeps On Cheering
Hey, what's a little paralysis when you have this much team spirit? Wouldn't it be terrible if she had some spinal cord injury and she was totally crippled for doing this?
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Chris Tucker Pulled Over
Chris Tucker the movie star from Rush Hour was pulled over by poice for going over 100 MPH. Listen to the excuse he uses to try to keep from getting a ticket.
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Cops Taser Woman On Ground
We dont know what the lady in this video did to get arrested but the police taser her while she is on the ground and restrained. Since it was caught on tape the cops probably got in trouble.
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Couch On Wheels
A group of guys rig up a couch with a set of wheels. It works great and they seem to be having a good time when the police show up. I guess he is going to get them for trespassing or something. Or maybe he just wants a ride!
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Crowded Smoking Area
This office is on one of the top floors in their building so the smoking area is out on a balcony. This is another video that shows there are many ways to die from smoking.
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Dance Kick
I dont know what kind of dance they are doing... but this kid had better be careful from now on.
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Death Touch Din Mak Video
This guy claims to not only be able to knock people out by using din mak aka the death touch but he says he can knock them out without even touching them. I am a little skeptical though.
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Dirt Dumping Accident
The man is this video has a little trouble while he is trying to dump some dirt into a truck. It looks like he needs to go back to school to learn to operate the machine he is driving.
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Dizzy Cat
Because really. At the end of the day, what's more fun than torturing your pet, right? I think there might be laws against this kind of thing. At least there should be.
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Doom Rider
A motorcycle racing game with the doom riders. Escape from the underworld. Take a ride like you never saw before.
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Drink My Cat
It's not that often that I see something that just leaves me bewildered. An added bonus - it makes your eyes hurt, too!
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Durka Durka Man
Durka Durka man dances in his bra and panties. This will make you famous, but only on the Internet. Freak.
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Fake Cops Practical Joke
WARNING: Language - A group of guys pose as police officers and order some other guys to get up against the wall. Then they wrap them in duck tape and run away laughing. The joke in this video was probably illegal because they acted like police officers.
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Fine Asian Girls With Low Voices
A new guy in town is amazed by how good all the fine Asian girls look. But something strange happens that makes him run in fear. If only he would have waited he would not have gotten stuck with an ugly girl.
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Fire Hacky Sack
WOW! These guys have some serious hacky sack skills! They play with a hacky sack that is on fire!
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Flip Off A Cop
WARNING: LANGUAGE - What would happen if you ran up to a cop and flipped him off? Watch this video and you will find out!
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Fruit Cake
Shouldn't this be labeled "evidence"? Some kind of a crime had to have been committed here.
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Funny Piano Players
These piano playing brothers play a duet on the piano without using their hands. You will not believe what body part they use!
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Girl Copies Her Naked Body
This chick is caught on tape running copies of her body! She pulls her shirt and bra up and makes a copy of her boobs! Then she pulls her pantyhose down and copies her bare butt!
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Girls In The Thongs Get Attention
I don't know if this video was from a TV show or what. Girls with their thongs showing walk around town trying to get peoples attention. Some of the reactions are pretty funny.
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