Guy Puts Condom Over His Head
A guy puts a condom over his head and blows it up! I had no clue that those things could stretch that far before breaking. That condom must be an extra large.
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Guy's Friends Set His Feet On Fire
With friends like these who needs enemies? This guy falls asleep and his friends light his feet on fire! It takes him forever to wake up and I thought he was going to get seriously burned.
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Helicopter Collision
Two helicopters get too close to each other and the blades hit. This causes both of the helicopters to break apart and crash. This is a bad helicopter crash.
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Hit Me Baby
Hit them one more time. Use something hard this time too, like a hammer or a lug-wrench.
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Horse Falls Off Stage
A horse is in some kind of drama or something when he falls off of the stage. He tries to get back on the stage but continues to have a hard time of it.
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I Know Your Password
I dont know why but I got a little laugh out of this video. Some guy tells a kid in an arcade that he knows his password then the kid attacks his camera. :)
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Idiot Skinhead Scum
A group of skinheads attacking random, innocnet people. I would love to see one of the people that they're attacking whip out a machine gun and blast them all to pieces. Now that would be entertaining.
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Iraqi Children Beaten
Some Iraqi children are caught after they throw rocks at a group of soldiers. The soldiers chase them down, drag them back to their compound and beat them pretty badly. I hope these aren't U.S. Troops doing this.
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Kangaroo Having Fun
Hilarious video of a kangaroo caught having a little fun by himself. This funny clip is caught on tape by a camera crew filming something near by.
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Kicked In The Face
WARNING: Language - A group of guys are acting like they are beating up on one of their friends when he starts to cry and scream. He gets really mad and starts screaming and asking who kicked him in the face. The funny part is that it does not look like anyone kicked him in the face.
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Kid Get Pushed Into Water
A couple of bully's push a little kid off his bike and into a ditch full of water. I hope he had a big brother to go take care of those punks.
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Koala Bear Gets Fresh
Here is a cute little video clip from the zoo. It looks like a male koala grabs a females butt and she gives him a slap in the face! Guys are the same in every species. :)
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Laser Tag Shock
These new laser tag guns do more than light up when you get hit. They actually give you a little shock. The guy who sent in this video is playing laser tag with his little nephew who does not know about the shock.
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Leopard Attacks Man
WARNING: Extreme - Extreme video footage of an animal attack caught on tape. A man pokes a caged leopard with a stick and when the leopard gets out of the cage he attacks the man!
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Lighting Strikes Car
This video is pretty straight forward. It shows a car that is driving down the road when it is stuck by lighting. I wonder if it shorted out anything on the car?
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Mating Monkeys On Sun-Roof
This family is driving through a drive-through zoo and gets more than what they expected. Close up view of some mating monkeys. Very close up...
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Meteor Explodes In Desert
A group of guys are camping out in the desert when a meteor slams into the ground and explodes right in front of them. Luckily they caught it on tape so people can post online about how fake it looks.
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Monster Sucker Punch
What can I say? This is a video of some poor guy getting knocked out by a monster sucker punch. Ya gotta feel a little bad for the guy.
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Motorcycle Rider Gets Run Over
WARNING: Extreme - If you do not want to see an extreme video then do not watch this one. A motorcycle rider comes around a curve too fast. Then he lays the bike down and is run over by a car.
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New Orleans Police Beating Robert Davis
WARNING: Language - Robert Davis was beaten by several New Orleans police officers and the whole thing was caught on tape. The guy was not fighting back at all and they just kept hitting him. The end of the video also shows an unrelated argument between two guys.
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New Way To Charge Cell Phone
This man has invented a new way to charge your cell phone. The only bad part is that it looks to goofy to wear outside the house. :) I wonder if he has sold any of those things?
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Old Woman Hits Mercedes
A couple of skaters had their video camera out one day and they caught an old lady teaching a guy some manners. I bet that guy was embarrassed.
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Plays Piano With Balls II
We have posted a video of another guy doing this same thing before. He plays the piano using only a bunch of balls. At least it got him on the Jay Leno show.
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Police Use Nunchucks On Pro-Lifers
This video shows the police using nunchucks on peaceful pro-life demonstrators. Before I saw this video I did not know that nunchucks were illegal in some states. That did not keep the cops from using them to break a guys arm though.
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Poodle Fitness
She's got another video that involves a 'pooper scooper' too. We can't show that one here.
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Race Or Get A BJ
Two guys are sitting side by side at a red light when one of them decides he wants to race. The other guy has better things to do though.
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Rude Wake Up Call
WARNING: Language - A couple of guys give one of their friends a wake up call that you do not want to get if you are a guy. This would have made me very mad!
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Russian Springer
Uh oh. The Russians have one-upped Jerry Springer with some added Karate! Hiyyyyy yahh!! Probably vodka too.
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Scary Take Off
An airliner takes off but forgets to "take off." I really wanted to make a "forgot to pull out" joke here but, *sigh* I couldn't think of one.
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She Forgot The Words To The National Anthem
'Becky Simms' from Canada, was asked to sing the national anthem at a hockey game. When her star moment began, she forgot the words. OUCH! Not sure which is worse: Forgeting the words to the anthem in front of 1000's of Americans, or falling in front of 1000's while all eyes are on you!
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