The title card to this says, "So they were going to fight in front of Party City". They end up fighting in front of the Atlanta Bread Company. The "ref" wears one of those bucket hats and cargo shorts. At one point, a voice in the crowd says, "finish it, Joey!" When the cops are called, they all get into their Blazers and Grand Cherokees and drive away. That is all you need to know.
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Flores, Swindle, and Griffin send this one to us with the following description: "We were about to roll out the gate of Abu Ghraib prison at the front end of a convoy when a suicide car bomber blew up his car right outside the gate on 4 April 2005. We drove through the wreckage a couple of hours later. Crew was SSG Scott Swindle, US Army; SPC Jonathan Flores, US Army; and Senior Airman Don Griffin, USAF."
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